dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011

Heal the World - Michael Jackson

Titol: Heal the World.
Artista: Michael Jackson.
Data: Octubre de 1991.

Album: Dangerous.

Descripció i història: 
El mateix Jackson va dir que la va escriure en un arbre en el seu Ranxo Neverland, i aquesta peça va ser una de les més reeixides cançons de la seva carrera, es va inspirar en el nom de la cançó per a crear el Heal the World Foundation, una fundació d'ajuda benèfica per als nens sense llar.
En la cançó el que diu es que pot haver un món millor i que colaborant tots junts podem aconseguir-ho, sobretot per a les futures generacions.

Treball fet per: Dani Carrascosa i Pau Laguna

dimarts, 11 de gener del 2011

Imagínate (Pau)

Imagínate vivir sin normas,
sin religión.
Vivir sin grandes fortunas,
vivir sin preocupación.
Imagínate vivir  sin magia,
sin ilusión.
Vivir sin amor,
vivir sin traición.
Imagínate vivir sin libros,
vivir sin educación.
Vivir sin sueños,
sin acción.
Imagínate vivir sin variedad,
vivir sin imaginación.
Imagínate vivir sin deseo,
vivir sin pasión.
Vivir sin rumbo,
sin organización.

La literatura Barroca (Glogster)

dissabte, 18 de desembre del 2010

My Time Capsule

September 15, 1803.
Philadelphia (U.S.A)


My name is James Franklin, and I am a assistant to Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the U.S.
I am one of his assistant since he started with his presidence, and I have to admit that he is the best person I know. Jefferson defends people rights, and he knows what's better for them, always making them happy.
I am doing this time capsule because I want that people know some of the most important events on 18th and 19th century. I want explain what was Thomas Jefferson like and how we were living there.

Yours faithfully,

James Henry Franklin II


1. This is a Painting  John Trumbull, where we can se Jefferson and other people signing the Declaration of independence.
"The American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence began in 1775 and finished in 1783. It was a very important war because Americans wanted to independence from the U.K because they didn’t like the rules that English imposed them, like sending English soldiers to there.  This war lasted 8 years long, and, finally, the Americans won."

2. This is the Virginia hose of Delegates (is the lower house of the Virginia General Assembly).
"In September 1776, Jefferson returned to Virginia and was elected to the new Virginia House of Delegates, for being a new member of that congress."

3.  This is page of the new Constitution on 1789.
"Thomas Jefferson supported the new Constitution despite the lack of a bill of rights. He liked new laws and he defended democracy and experssion liberty."

4. This is a memorial plaque situated on Champs-Élysées, marking where Jefferson lived while he was Minister to France.
"Jefferson was serving as an ambassador on France since 1785 to 1789 and he was not able to attend the Philadelphia Convention, where were electing the Constitution, but he was was kept informed by his correspondence with James Madison. "

5. This is the first stamp with Thomas Jefferson's face.
"Thomas Jefferson was the third president on the U.S.  and he has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest of U.S. presidents. He defended people rights and he was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence."